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Friday, November 12, 2010

Javascript Date.parse browser compatibility issue

Just got burned with a Javascript incompatibility between Firefox and Safari on the Mac...

Date.parse() takes a string representation of a Date and return the number of milliseconds since the epoch. It has always been able to take dates in IETF format, such as "Jan 1, 2010" but as of Javascript 1.8.5 it can handle ISO8601 format as well, such as "2010-01-01".

I use ISO8601 in all my applications and in Firefox 3.6.12 (on the Mac) this works fine:
> Date.parse("Jan 1, 2010 GMT");
> Date.parse("2010-01-01");
Note that the ISO8601 form assumes the GMT timezone, but the IETF form assumes local timezone unless you specify GMT.

The problem for me arose in Safari (5.0.2) on the Mac:
> Date.parse("Jan 1, 2010 GMT");

And just to muddy the waters further, here is the output on Google Chrome 7.0.517.44:
> Date.parse("Jan 1, 2010 GMT");
The ISO8601 date is handled OK but is returned in the local timezone.

I need a fail safe way to parse ISO8601 dates - what to do...? Here's what I came up with:
var date_str = '2010-01-01';
var iso8601_regex = /(\d{4})[\/-](\d{2})[\/-](\d{2})/;
var match = iso8601_regex.exec(date_str);
var date = new Date(match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3]);
var milliseconds = Date.parse(date); // -> 1262332800000 (local time)
milliseconds = Date.UTC(match[1], match[2] - 1, match[3], 0, 0, 0); // -> 1262304000000 (UTC/GMT)
Note the '- 1' with the month (match[2]) - the first month is 0 - go figure.
This produces the same results in Mac Firefox, Safari and Chrome - consistent behaviour - yes, really!

What a palaver...


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